The Cursed League of the Black Swan Alyssa Day Books

The Cursed League of the Black Swan Alyssa Day Books
The Cursed, (The League of the Black Swan) is a terrific start to a new lighter series by Alyssa Day. The h, Rio, is a 24 year old orphan, and bike messenger with a touch of telepathy. She witnesses the kidnapping of a small girl by some sort of supernaturals in Bordertown, the haven for demons, fae, others, and humans. In Bordertown, the person who has the ability to stand up to and track down the kidnappers is Luke Oliver, a PI, wizard, and an immortal of some sort. He also happens to be the guy on her bike route that she asked out to coffee and was refused. Add in a Cold Fae Princess, and various others that are suddenly interested in Rio now that she is about to turn 25 years old and you have a nice beginning to a new series. The action is steady, the mystery surrounding her birth is explained, and the romance is believable. The League of the Black Swan wants Rio to join them but there is no real explanation as to what the organization is about except that it is neutral in Fae, Demon, Goblin, etc. matters. I would give this starter a 4.5* rating, it is a lighter PNR focusing on the R and the mystery that is Rio.
Tags : The Cursed (League of the Black Swan) (9780425255773): Alyssa Day: Books,Alyssa Day,The Cursed (League of the Black Swan),Berkley,0425255778,Romance - Paranormal,Blessing and cursing,Good and evil,Man-woman relationships,Paranormal romance stories,Private investigators,AMERICAN LIGHT ROMANTIC FICTION,AMERICAN MYSTERY & SUSPENSE FICTION,FICTION Fantasy Humorous,FICTION Fantasy Urban,FICTION Romance Paranormal General,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction-Romance,General Adult,MASS MARKET,Monograph Series, any,Romance,Romance - Paranormal - General,RomanceGeneral,United States
The Cursed League of the Black Swan Alyssa Day Books Reviews
I was a little hesitant to read this book. Some of the Alyssa Day books I've read before have had villains that were a bit too sadistic to me. But the description of this one was too good and I couldn't resist. I'm glad I read it. There was no sadism and in fact there weren't necessarily "bad guys" in the book either - each person simply has different motivations for their actions.
Rio is an orphan living in Bordertown - a magical section of land near Manhattan that's not on any maps. A place where magical beings can be free or hide out from their enemies. When Rio witnesses a kidnapping, she goes to Luke, the resident wizard and private eye, to help find the missing girl. But all in the span of a day, Rio loses her job and apartment and is being chased by multiple bands of magical beings. Somehow it has to do with Rio's birthday and she's in a race against time to figure out what's going on. Rio is upbeat and makes friends wherever she goes. Mostly because she treats all people with respect. I could really picture Rio and Luke, and I loved both of them. They're tough, but broken and they need each other. They're super funny too. They're joking with each other all the time and it felt really natural and actually funny. I never felt like I missed the silliness. It was drawn so wonderfully that you could tell Luke and Rio enjoyed being around each other and were on the same wavelength.
In terms of magic, I didn't feel like very much was explained. Even at the end of the book, we don't know what Rio's powers are or what she's capable of. I'm hopeful that this means it's just an introduction book to the world of Bordertown and that Rio and Luke will get more airtime as the series continues. From giant ducks, to quoted movie lines, to jokes like "wizard pendulums hang low", I found the book to be very entertaining. I'll definitely be buying the next book when it comes out.
If you are looking for the camaraderie and lightheartedness that we found in Alyssa Day's Warriors of Poseidon Series.. rethink that. The Cursed is the first book in her brand new series The League of the Black Swan and let me tell you it was spectacular.
This book was so good I am having trouble writing the review so bear with me. If it sounds disjointed it's because I want to share so much and the words are just tumbling out!!
The Curse is a supernatural mystery taking place in the Borderlands. A Pocket in the dimensions where several meet and individuals can cross over. The thing about The Borderlands is that those that live there are outcasts of some sort. Some by choice, some by banishment and some well just because..
Rio Jones, Smith, Green, Stephanopolous (pick a name she's probably used it) has spent her entire life alone. Even the nuns at the orphanage really didn't have any use for her. She has made it on her own and has managed to make a large assortment of friends. Everyone respects her. Life is pretty boring for our girl.. she does have the hots for the Wizard she delivers packages to sometimes but he made it pretty clear he's not interested.
Luke Oliver is your everyday imortal wizard with a curse.. Being a descendant of the Borgia he is cursed to never do evil.. if he does he looses his soul for eternity. It's not all that hard for him most of the time. He is a protector by nature so he spends most of his time protecting those around him. He is runs The Borderlands detective agency.. although everyone and I mean everyone feels he should become the Sheriff (a humours side note in this book there is always someone asking him if he is running for sheriff, when he is running for sheriff, has he begun his run for sheriff.. it's a great way to release some of the tension). Luke would do just about anything to be able to be around Rio but what with the curse and all he's a little worried. That and the fact that smooth this man is not..
When a member of the League of the Black Swan wants Luke to recruit Rio he is adamant that, that is not going to happen. But things change really really fast. First Rio witnesses a kidnapping and turns to Luke for help, then the Fey are interested in Rio, then the Sleazebag underworld is interested in her, then the Demons.. what the heck she's just a human orphan, right? Yeah... right.
We watch Rio and Luke maneuver their way through the politics and battle lines drawn by all the races.. as Rio discovers that there is much more to her than meets the eye and on her 25th birthday (just a few days away) everything is going to change. You mean it's gonna get weirder?? There are some great scenes in this book.. one of which involved a giant duck (think jack and the beanstalk giant) laying an egg right there in the middle of the road. Then the egg goes missing and Rio and Luke have to find it and return it to one angry duck mama.. see weird.
While Rio considers herself pretty normal, all things considered, the one gift she has is the ability to make friends. She respects the individual and doesn't worry about what species a person is. She has no clue how many people stand beside her and when she finally realizes that she is not alone it is amazing.
I love the way Ms Day's mind has skipped to insane on this book.. She definitely followed her Warriors of Poseidon Series with another excellent book and what looks to be a spectacular series.. YAY Alyssa!!
This book was meant to be a classic and I think it moves Alyssa up the tier of PNR writers.. it is absolutely Brilliant..
The Cursed, (The League of the Black Swan) is a terrific start to a new lighter series by Alyssa Day. The h, Rio, is a 24 year old orphan, and bike messenger with a touch of telepathy. She witnesses the kidnapping of a small girl by some sort of supernaturals in Bordertown, the haven for demons, fae, others, and humans. In Bordertown, the person who has the ability to stand up to and track down the kidnappers is Luke Oliver, a PI, wizard, and an immortal of some sort. He also happens to be the guy on her bike route that she asked out to coffee and was refused. Add in a Cold Fae Princess, and various others that are suddenly interested in Rio now that she is about to turn 25 years old and you have a nice beginning to a new series. The action is steady, the mystery surrounding her birth is explained, and the romance is believable. The League of the Black Swan wants Rio to join them but there is no real explanation as to what the organization is about except that it is neutral in Fae, Demon, Goblin, etc. matters. I would give this starter a 4.5* rating, it is a lighter PNR focusing on the R and the mystery that is Rio.

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